Getting It Done In 2021!

I don’t know about you, but I am EXCITED about the new year. I am ready for a change, even if it is just turning the calendar over to a new year

But I KNOW that this next year is going to be better.

I am NOT the same person I was a year ago. I am battered a bit, but I feel tougher.

And –  BETTER!

 Maybe not thinner – they closed my gym – but overall, better.

I know I can make it through some pretty challenging circumstances. And you can too.

I know that many need to establish some good habits, or to re-establish habits that have fallen off in the 
past months.

NOW is the time!

Maintaining good daily habits becomes a way of putting some guard rails into your life that keep you on the road to being productive, and in turn, allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment, and purpose.

You need this and your kids need this.

But you may need some help, too. I know that for meaningful change to happen – mom will lead the charge.

I wrote a book and published it during the early days of the pandemic to help parents to establish meaningful daily plans for their kids that will give them daily purpose, accountability, and set them up for success their whole life. All Done Day: How to Win at Everyday Parenting was born out of sheer parental frustration.

I was once that mom who watched her kids go through so many days, playing a lot, making messes continuously, with no concern about their fellow man, and their most meaningful communication with me was that they were hungry or they were bored.

Something had to change – and after looking around, I realized that it would probably have to be me that would institute a different atmosphere in our home.

I know what you are thinking – “Dust off the Chore Chart!”


All Done Day is MORE than a chore chart. Been there, done that!

All Done Day shows you how to create a DAILY PLAN that combines wishes and dreams you have for your kids with meaningful activities that:

 teach life skills,

 develop good habits,

 sets goals for them to strive and achieve,

encourages being a productive member of the family,


rewards them for each day that they follow through and complete their All Done Day.


All Done Day is the story of how our family took on this system of creating great daily habits. It not only worked and helped my kids to grow and thrive, IT CHANGED OUR LIVES.

Look for the next few blog posts where I break down some of the key features of the All Done Day plan that revolutionized our parenting and our home life.

2021 is upon us, so as you wait, go purchase the book and start benefiting from All Done Day today!

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Ann Lahm

Author, Blogger

I love the opportunities to support parents and Moms in particular, that All Done Day has provided me.

Ann Lahm

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